Meeting room hire FAQ’s

What meeting rooms can I hire at Community Base?

Community Base has three high quality, affordable meeting rooms for hire in the heart of Brighton, seven days a week – our South Wing conference room and two smaller meeting rooms, South Wing two and South Wing three.

Our South Wing conference room has a capacity of 100, a small adjoining kitchen, a projector with a sound system and screen, and a smart screen, facilities for computer presentations, wireless internet access, a wheelchair accessible toilet, baby changing facilities, a balcony, an induction loop and beautiful views over Brighton. Our two smaller meeting rooms, South Wing two and South Wing three, each have whiteboards and a capacity of 12.

What kitchen/catering facilities do you have?

Our conference room kitchen has reusable mugs, tumblers, plates and cutlery and a sink for washing up. As part of our commitment to reducing the carbon footprint of activities at Community Base we insist that no throwaway plates, cutlery or cups are used in our conference room. We supply washing up liquid, tea towels and recycling/rubbish bins. If you are running a large event, you may want to bring extra washing up liquid, tea towels and bin bags. There are no kitchen facilities for our smaller meeting rooms.

You can arrange for buffet food to be delivered to events in our conference room. If you do you should arrange for your caterer to go to Community Base’s South Wing entrance and ring the conference room on the entryphone (1555) so you can let them in remotely.

How do I hire a meeting room at Community Base?

Before you can book a Community Base meeting room you need to appoint a named contact person responsible for all matters, including payment, relating to your group’s bookings. This contact person needs to register by completing our Room Booking Account Request Form.

Once we have received your group’s request we will set up an account for you on our online room booking system. If Brighton and Hove City Council are paying for your booking you need to include a valid council payment code when you book.

How do I get into Community Base when your reception is closed?

If your booking falls outside of reception opening hours, you must come to reception in advance of your booking to collect an access fob.

Contact reception on (01273) 234000,

Reception opening hours: Mondays 10.00am – 4.30pm, and Tuesdays to Fridays 8.30am – 4.30pm

Weekends and bank holidays: closed.

Can I get into the meeting room before the time I have booked it for to set up?

No. You can only use meeting rooms at Community Base during the times you have booked them. If you need time to set up or clear up you should include this time in your booking.

What is the conference room equipment cupboard?

Our conference room equipment cupboard has a sound system and a cd/dvd player linked to our projector.

How do I pull down the conference room projector screen?

You should use the button on the column in the centre of the room to pull the projector screen down – DO NOT try to pull the projector screen down manually.

How do I work the conference room projector?

    1. Lower the projector screen using the control switches on the column in the middle of the room
    2. Press the BLACK POWER BUTTON on the underside of the projector to turn it on
    3. Press the BUTTON ABOVE THE WORD SOURCE on the projector until the correct input is selected
    4. If you are displaying information from a laptop connect your laptop to the projector using one of the ports on the back of the projector.
    5. If you are showing a VHS video or DVD switch on the video/DVD unit in the equipment cupboard, switch on the amplifier in the equipment cupboard ensuring that the CD/DVD light is on, turning the source knob until it is, insert a video or DVD and press play
    6. If no image appears on the projector screen use the button on the underside of the projector underneath the word SOURCE to check that you have selected the correct input (for video/DVD select composite)
    1. Switch the projector off by pressing the BLACK POWER BUTTON and then the ENTER BUTTON
    2. Raise the projector screen.

Can I plug my own equipment into the projector?

Yes, our projector has S-Video, HDMI, RGC and DVI-I sockets. However you will need to bring your own cables and, while most laptops work with our projector, we cannot guarantee compatibility. You can hire laptops, cables and speakers from SCIP at Community Base – ring them on 01273 234049 in advance for details.

How do I work the Iyama Smart Screen?

Community Base has installed a ‘smart’ wifi enabled touch screen in the Conference Room on a trolley.

  • Plug in and switch on. There is a mains switch adjacent to the cable on the underneath of the screen. Once switched on Home should appear.  The screen is logged into the Community Base Guest wifi login. 
  • The ‘Browser’ button on the screen opens Google. Touch the search bar to open an on-screen keyboard.
  • The ‘Note’ button brings up a blackboard. This can be used with a finger or special pens that can be signed out from Reception. There will be a £20 fee for non-return of  pens.
  • ‘Finder’ is a document storage area.  Downloads to the screen appear here.
  • The icon along the top of the screen is Screenshare, a Wi-Fi utility that allows other devices to interact with the screen.
  • Control the screen volume by using the menus with the triangle on the right or left hand side, or use the remote control.

Attaching external device to the Smart Screen  

  • The screen has HDMI, VGA and USB inputs. Please check what ports your laptop has and bring your own cables/ adapters.
  • We strongly advise using HDMI as this connection is much stronger.
  • Switch the screen on and wait for the home page to load. Switch on your laptop.
  • Plug the cable into your device and then into the screen. The screen should automatically replicate your device. If not, access the device input window by touching the white box with arrow on either side of the screen (see instructions printed attached to screen). This will bring up a sidebar. Touch the bottom icon to load the ‘General Settings’ window and select the input you have plugged into.
  • Using HDMI, sound should automatically come from the screen’s speakers.

Conference webcam  

The screen has a wide-angle webcam with integral microphones attached to the top of the screen.

Plug the USB connector from the webcam into your laptop. You may need to adjust your settings so that the sound comes from the screen rather than the tiny speakers in the webcam. The webcam has a building microphone.

Do you have wifi in your meeting rooms?

Yes, but we cannot be held responsible if it is not working for some reason.

Do you supply flip chart pads?

No. You must bring your own and take them away when you leave.

How should I leave the conference room?

You must leave meeting rooms clean and tidy. There is a sign on the south wall of the conference room explaining how you should leave the conference room chairs and tables when you have finished.

Can I advertise my event in Community Base’s window?

You can advertise your event in the window on the ground floor of the South Wing. You should not put any posters on the South Wing door or the window at right angles to it. Please take posters down once your event is over.

Are there any other rules for using Community Base meeting rooms?

Yes. Our Room Hire Contract lists a number of conditions that everyone using our meeting rooms must abide by. You will be required to provide a signature confirming your agreement to these conditions before you can use a room.

Want to hire somewhere else in Brighton and Hove?

Community Base hosts Brighton and Hove Venue Search, an online database of rooms and halls for hire across Brighton and Hove.